Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Box Wars UNR Avatar

Box Wars UNR Avatar
University of Nevada, Reno
Spring 2012
Art 381 Critical Play
Professor Joseph Delappe
Video Composed by Perfecto Manuta Jr.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Samurai Armor Cardboard

This is my armor that I made with cardboard. I painted the cardboard and this is what I came up with. I hope you guys like it. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cardboard Samuria or NINJA!!!!

I really like the idea of being a ninja or a Samurai so I got some pictures of people who have made these ninja and samurai suits. I plan to make something similar. Some of the games I would try to emulate would be Gundam Wing, Ninja Gaiden or Basara Samurai Heroes. 


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Games
Basara Samurai Heroes
Ninja Gaiden
Gundam Wing
Onimusha the Video Game Enemy (Sakon Shima)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Game Maker Progress

Dr. Henry Lowood LECTURE

Dr. Henry Lowood did a lecture about Machinima projects that have been done in the past. The basic premise was to document and save these art works. If a server was to go done who is left to document and save the pieces that people have done. Where can we find these on the web? What happens to the piece when there is no documentation that is saved? These where some of the questions that Dr. Lowood had tried to answer. In his lecture he also covered the different ways that people can make Machinima. There are a few different ways but in the end the simple point is that you use a video game to make a movie and tell a story. The main video game he was talking about was World of Warcraft. This game is based on fictional characters of different race; Trolls, Orc, Dwarves, Elf’s or Humans. You can create a character from any of these races and you would have to take your character in the World of Warcraft adventure. Dr. Lowood had shown previews of the different types of Machinima creations. There was one Machinima of a narrative story in which this Troll had made a living making stones, leveling up himself to become stronger, etc. But then the Troll reads in the newspaper that his way of living will become obsolete. Then he looses everything. It was pretty sad.

There was also a story about a video game player that played Doom or a video game similar to Doom. But basically the person who uses to play this game had died in a car crash. But he had recorded video of his game play online for other people to see. His exact movements have been recorded and had become his art piece. These video recordings are a little eerie, but he is now remembering for his game play online because he was very good at this game.

But the main point of Dr. Lowood is that these Machinima art pieces are out in the online world and is there for you to see. But we have to make sure we save, document, etc., all these amazing works in order for future generations to see them.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Exhibition "Postcard from the Grey Area"

Perfecto P. Manuta Jr.

Art 381

“Art Exhibition”

There was an art exhibition in the Church of Fine Arts building. One of the artists that were featured was Kevin F. Kremler. He has an interactive piece in which you become part of the art itself. The name of this piece is “Postcards from the Grey Area”. It was shown in the Sheppard Fine Art Gallery at the University of Nevada, Reno.

You sit on this stool and you are given some instructions to follow. The instructions tell you to position your body in a certain way to make it look like you are painting on a canvas. Then you have to press a red bottom and hold it fro about 10 seconds. When you follow these instructions a picture will be printed out as a postcard. The postcard is yours to keep. When I saw the picture it was pretty cool that I was involved in the process.

There was also another piece that involve different colored sand, shovels, and a rotating device in the middle that dispensed the sand. You had to put the sand in these containers that revolved. Then you had to spin it to make patterns on the floor. Depending on how you moved and rotated the device each time looked different.

I truly like interactive art because you never know what the out come will be. Especially, because each individual is different and will make different out comes. The sand and the patterns you could make made it an interesting and fun piece. Playing with sand was always fun for me as a kid. This just reminded me of memories on the beach. Playing in the sand, making thing with sand and making patterns in the sand.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kiel Johnson (LECTURE) Art 381

Kiel Johnson is an artist from Southern California and has interesting outlook towards art. He got an MFA from California State University; Los Angeles, California is currently where he is living.

His mediums in art has changed throughout his art career. Johnson would paint or draw something on paper then make them into sculptures. There was a point where he was using cardboard materials to make these big sculptures.

When he was explaining what was his inspiration was he basically said that everything in life has inspired him in some way.

Other mediums he has worked with is wood, but as of right now he likes to use paper or cardboard as his first choice.

Johnsons passion is drawing with a pencil, pen, etc. "I think that drawing is the key to it all." said Johnson.

What he meant by this is that if you can draw something, you can create something more from that drawing. You can mold it into something remarkable once you put it on paper and analyze it.

Some of the projects he has done were the big cardboard cameras that were very realistic and he made a lot of these.

He also works with Toshiba to make a character that was digitized, made of Styrofoam or foam.

"Behind the Cardboard Curtain" is a video that tells a bit about Johnson.

There was also a cardboard city that he made that was very detailed. One word that Johnson said that would describe his work is "Whimsical" Johnson said. He likes his work to be playful, fun and interactive.

Some of the artist that have influenced him are Dave Smith, De Cooning and more.

More people that have influenced him are his friends. They always compete to do better than the other. But in this process they just make each other better artist. They have a friendly competitive side.

Johnson was an interesting artist and has inspired me to look into using cardboard so some of my pieces to come.

"Culture Jam" Movie (Exhibition Video) ART 381

This move was all about the gorilla warfare against corporate America and the multiple ways that these corporations are exploiting people through media, television, commercials, billboards, etc.

There was an instance where this group would alter billboards to suit there message and they were very secretive of their organization. This is understandable because there are legal issues involved in the projects they did. It was vandalism. But they considered it altering the message. That is what they were trying to portray.

Some other places that were targeted in the movie where public transportation, buses, trains, ADs on the streets, billboards, etc.

One example was the piece "SHIT HAPPENS". Which was a billboard that was alter to say this message.

The basic premiss of these groups or individual is to portray their message anyway they can.

The term "Mind Share" was also mentioned in the movie. This was talking about how we as a society think so much alike because of the messages that are being sent out.

Culture Jam was a very mind opening video and had introduced me to some new ideas that I could try for myself. I enjoyed the video and thank the people that have started this movement for us to follow. I hope one day to open peoples minds to new and different ideas as well.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Pulp Fiction Machinima FINAL

Produced by Benjamin Poynter, Perfecto Manuta Jr. & Joseph Siino

Benjamin Poynter

Benjamin Poynter

Perfecto Manuta Jr.

Benjamin Poynter

Perfecto Manuta Jr., Joseph Siino, & Benjamin Poynter

Perfecto Manuta Jr. & Joseph Siino

Fraps & Snapz Pro X

Second Life

Art of Illusion

Final Cut Pro, After Effects, & Color

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Art 381 Pulp Fiction Machinima Feb. 2012

Art 381 Pulp Fiction Machinima Feb. 2012

Finally Pulp Fiction comes to the Machinima world.

Staring Joe Siino's Avatar as Jules Winnfield and Perfecto Manuta's avatar as Vincent Vega. Ben Poyter's avatars as Marvin, Brett, and a the other white guy who gets shot by Jules. Video footage by Ben Poyter. Let it begin.